Wednesday, October 4, 2017

7 Questions with Doreen Simpson - Food Blogger Interview

Welcome to another edition interview with a food blogger. Today we are chatting with Doreen Simpson from La Difference. She has a love for good food, cooking it and sharing.

What inspired you to start blogging?
After 25 years running my own catering business I wanted to share my knowledge of cooking with everyone.

Do you blog full time?
No, I'm  not a full time blogger. I lead a full life and have many other interests, including gardening, crochet, knitting, my dogs and I'm also Grandma to 3 very lively grandchildren. I treat my blog more as a hobby, I've never made a penny from it  and enjoy doing it that way. 

What is your favorite meal of the day?
My favorite meal of the day is dinner. I get a great deal of pleasure thinking of what to prepare. It's the only time day where my hubby and I can sit, relax, eat and catch up on each other's day.

One ingredient you just can't live without?
The one ingredient I couldn't live without is cheese. Especially strong British cheeses such as Stilton, Cheddar and Wensleydale.

Your favorite kitchen gadget?
My Kenwood Chef mixer is without doubt my favourite  kitchen 'gadget'.  It saves me hours of kitchen toil.

Who would you consider culinary icon?
My culinary icon is Elizabeth David who introduced me to my life long love of Mediterranean Cuisine.

Sweet or salty? 
Definitely salty, especially anything containing cheese.

By Christine Lamb @ Christine's Pantry - 2017


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