Monday, December 8, 2014

Waste Not, Turkey A la King

I hate to waste food. In my home we waste nothing. I hear too many stories about children going hungry. Nearly 16 million children face hunger in America. One in five kids faces hunger in America. Some children only get a meal in school and no meal on the weekends. Many other countries facing hunger.

I had some leftover Turkey Pot Pie filling, so I decided to toast some bread and spoon the filling on top of the toast.

Waste Not, Turkey A La King
Copyrighted 2014, Christine’s Pantry. All rights reserved.

6 slices bread
butter, to taste
turkey pot pie filling, click here for the recipe

Heat a large skillet over medium heat. Butter both sides of bread, cook until bread brown on both sides, turning once.

Meanwhile, heat the leftover pot pie filling. Remove bread from skillet, place on individuals’ plates and spoon the pot pie filling over brown bread. Enjoy! 


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